Learn from Singapore to improve public transport

Oliver Wyman Forum and University of California have recently unveiled the Urban Mobility Readiness Index that ranked cities with the best public transport system. Singapore came up on top.[1]

Separately, McKinsey & Company had also produced their own index last year to measure the best public transport system in the world. Singapore also appeared at the top.[2]

There must be something right about the city-state’s public transport that we can learn from.

The first thing to notice about Singapore’s public transport is that it is multi-modal, which means the entire infrastructure adopts several modes or types of public transport such as bus, mass rapid transit (MRT), light rail transit (LRT), and monorail.

In the late 1970s, Singapore was deliberating between having an all-bus system or a bus-rail system. Despite having a team of experts from Harvard University pushing for the all-bus system, the government opted for the more expensive bus-rail system and begun the construction of their first MRT.[3]

After the launch of the MRT in 1987, the Singaporean government studied the bus-rail system for nine years and concluded in their Land Transport Authority's 1996 White Paper that, “Only rail transport can meet the transport needs of heavy demand corridors while maintaining high travel speeds and predictability of arrival and departure times... [Cities] have opted for rail even though it is a more expensive option than the bus.”

In other words, multi-modal system may be more expensive but it provides targeted solutions that correspond to the various needs of urban mobility. For instance, a rail infrastructure (MRT or LRT) is more effective at high-demand corridor while buses work better in neighbourhood with short-distance stops. A good public transport infrastructure has various modes to complement each other to deliver the best result.

This is one reason why cities with mono-modal system such as Curitiba – even though famous for its bus rapid transit (BRT) – does not rise to the top. One size simply does not fit all.

It is high time for Malaysian cities to adopt the multi-modal principle to improve our public transport.

Comprehensive strategies like the Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP) – comprising LRT, monorail, tram, BRT and other transport modes – is an instructive model of how public transport infrastructure should be planned locally. 


[1] https://www.oliverwymanforum.com/mobility/urban-mobility-readiness-index.html#


[3] https://www.clc.gov.sg/docs/default-source/urban-systems-studies/uss-transport.pdf

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