Penang Transport Master Plan: RM27bil to RM46bil, why?

Critics claim that Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP) was originally estimated at RM27 billion, before SRS increased it to RM46 billion.

Although many have explained this before, but this wrong info still going around. From this wrong info, critics created other allegations such as the purpose of the increase is to benefit developers or cronies.

Want to find out why the current PTMP estimated at RM46 billion?

Simple, just remember 3 things:

1) SRS Consortium's submitted RM27 billion estimation

Actually SRS proposal submitted for the open Request For Proposal (RFP) tender was not estimated at RM46 billion, but at RM27 billion. This was widely reported back in 2015, when SRS won the bid. 

2) Increase to RM46 billion because of added components

The increase to RM46 billion came because of added components. Most of the added components to cover the 3 districts in the mainland, requested by the Seberang Perai Municipal Council. 

Halcrow's RM27 billion report proposed only these for mainland:
i) 2 short tram or Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines at Seberang Perai Tengah.
ii) Leverage on existing KTM rail line.

The current version of PTMP (with input from all relevant agencies including the mainland council) planned these for the mainland:
i) 1 monorail (from south Seberang Perai Utara to north Seberang Perai Selatan).
ii) 1 long BRT (from north Seberang Perai Tengah to south Seberang Perai Selatan).
iii) 1 LRT (from island across the canal to mid Seberang Perai Tengah to north Seberang Perai Tengah)

Comparison between Halcrow and current PTMP:

3) RM27 billion was officially and internally known by SRS
The fact that one of SRS' components Gamuda's managing director said that he was not aware of the increase to RM46 billion showed that SRS' submitted proposal was known internally to be only RM27 billion. []


The increase from RM27 billion to RM46 billion is not to benefit developers or cronies as alleged by critics.

First, SRS proposal was RM27 billion, same as Halcrow's.

Second, the increase was due to added components mostly for Seberang Perai.

Third, Gamuda's MD being not aware of the increase until after being informed showed that the original SRS proposal was understood internally as RM27 billion.

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