Extending concessionaire for PLUS benefits road users and pensioners

Projek Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan Bhd (PLUS) is owned by Khazanah (51%) and EPF (49%).[1] PLUS' 2018 revenue was RM3.83 billion, with after-tax loss of RM93.53 million. Even with debt of more than RM30 billion, PLUS' cash flow remains very strong and its operation profitable, so much so that 4 private companies have expressed interest to buy over PLUS. The bidders were very keen over PLUS that they were competing to outbid each other by raising their offering price, with some went as high as 30% more than the initial RM5.2 billion.[2] EPF's 49% share in PLUS also works out well for the pension fund, ensuring high dividends that benefit retirees. In 2017 and 2018, PLUS paid out a total of RM1.15 billion dividends to shareholders. Profit from the concessionaire had improved Rakyat's retirement security.[3] With regards to the extension, EPF chief executive officer Tunku Alizakri Raja Muhammad Alias remarked, "This decision is a clear indication the g...