
Showing posts from October, 2015

Mindless urging for Penang’s return to Kedah

The three treaties archived in ‘ A Collection of Treaties and Engagements with the Native Princes and States of Asia Concluded on Behalf of the East India Company by the British Governments in India ’, published in 1812 are: Agreement with the King of Queda for the Cession of Prince of Wales Island in 1786. Treaty of Peace with King of Queda and for an annual Quit-rent for Prince of Wales' Island in 1791. Treaty with the King of Queda for Cession of Territory on the Coast of Queda, in November 1802. These treaties were written and agreed upon under a very different legal and political setting from ours. Back then was colonial and monarchical era, while we are now living in a modern democratic nation-state. Back then, Penang and Kedah formed one country, as read in the 1791 treaty: “These nine articles are settled and concluded, and peace is made between Empetuan [sultan] and the English Company, Queda [Kedah] and Pooloo Pinang [Penang] shall be as one country.” Back then...